Radio is the world of imagination, world of creativity, world of expressions and world of dreams.. 

Monday 10 November 2014


1.Establishing  sequence

2.Establish time

3.Establish mood

4.Entrance and Exit


1.Establishing  sequence

Through which the location can be imagined by audience

Horn of train, announcement on airport ,market, seashore, street, wild bird/bat/ wolf, Christmas bells 

 2. Establish time

Through which the time can be judged e..g Late night or early morning etc

Cricket , rooster crow, chirps of birds

* Click of clock – for passing of time 

3. Establish mood

Through different sound effects we can make the audience

sad, happy, worried, terrified, angry

4. Entrance and Exit

Audience must know theenterence and exit of character

for this we use:

Opening or closing of door, foot steps, arrival and departure

of airplane   

5. Transition

These are the effects used to clarify the change in location or sequence and sometimes to create a specific location.

Fade in, fade out, cross fade or Echo


 graduate party - Airport - city

Fade in ---------    music of graduation celebration

Cross- fade------  announcement  of airport

Cross fade ------- take off/ landing

Cross Fade ------- busy road of city

We may also use fade out

Echo/Reverberation  is transition which is used in order
to create some specific location such as a Person is in empty
hall/room or at height  


Sunday 6 April 2014

Radio news

Writing Style
Writing for broadcast news focuses on making the story easy to understand.

Use short sentences
Sentences must be kept short.

In a message on Kashmir Solidarity Day, Prime Minister Muhammad Nawaz Sharif invited india to  resolve all outstanding disputes  including Jammu and Kashmir, through a comprehensive, sustained and result-oriented dialogue process.

On Kashmir day Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif has invited India for peaceful resolutions of all disputes including Kashmir through negotiations.

 The content of a news broadcast must be immediately clear because a viewer cannot hear the segment again to clarify.


In print journalism, writers can write more complex sentences, but they maintain short paragraphs. Print journalists are often instructed to write at an 8th grade level so no matter a reader's education level, they can understand the report.

Round off the number
In broadcast it is hard to follow a story with exact number .therefore round off the large numbers for listeners
round off the number to nearly 500,000

455,623 TO nearly 500,000

nearly /approximately 456,000
over 455,000

Do not write
Authorities spent Rs.3,90,389.50 on the system.
Authorities spent about four lac rupees on the system.

Parallel structure
while listing out facts make the structure of news constant . e.g
Students of different departments of “Jinnah university for women” are going to participate In the monthly youth conference on 2nd of march 2014. In which there are 20 students from dept of English, 24 students from dept of International relations, 10 students from dept of sociology and 35 students from dept of mass communication.      


Students of different departments of “Jinnah university for women” are going to participate In the monthly youth conference on 2nd of march 2014. In which there are 20 students from dept of English, 24 students from dept of International relations, from sociology dept there are 10 students and from dept of mass communication there are 35 students  

Do not write in figure

do not write more than 3 digits in figure write in words
For 4555
four thousand five hundred and fifty five

use the name before statement   
Prime minister Nawaz Shareef said “We invite India to engage in a comprehensive sustained and result-oriented dialogue process”


“We invite India to engage in a comprehensive sustained and result-oriented dialogue process” Prime minister Nawaz Shareef said.

Don’t use pronoun more than two times.

Avoid tongue twist

Use active voice instead passive
Lahore Shalimar Express came under a bomb attack near landhi in Karachi. Sources said that a minor girl dead  and several passengers are wounded .
Don’t write

in Landhi the bomb which was planted on the rail track damaged lahore shalimar express.



Choice of tone is influenced by

      .Type of program.

>The tone of a youth show announcer is different from that of a news reader.

>The presenter of a gender talk show will have a different tone than the host of a music program.
          Time of day.

Early morning programs require a lively, high-energy tone to get listeners going.

News programs require announcers to use a formal tone.

Talk show hosts try to come across as friendly and more casual.

          The best voice for radio is natural and relaxed. The more comfortable you are with yourself and your voice, the clearer your voice will be. Voice exercises can help build confidence and promote speaking clearly.
          Since listeners can't interrupt the radio to ask what was said, radio presenters must take extra care to be clear

  Handle mistakes professionally. If you make a mistake, don't panic. If it's a big error--one that could cause confusion or misunderstanding-- apologize and correct it. Otherwise, take a breath and carry on. Don't draw attention to stumble.

Monday 27 January 2014

Types of Interview

An interview can be casually described as a conversation between the interviewer and the interviewee. Type of interviews are given below

1. The Opinion Interview
According to the topic of the programme, experts are called from various fields. These experts then give their sound opinion and advice on the concerned topic. For example, a doctor will be called to address the issue of a malaria outbreak in the city.

2. Informative Interview

The purpose of this interview is to give information about a particular thing to the people. In such interviews mostly everything is scripted unlike the opinion interview. Many a times the script is practiced and rehearsed before the programme goes on air. The interviewee can pass factual information or experiences based on a cause or purpose

These are some important interview tips that you must keep in mind when you are asked to conduct a radio interview:
  1. Do background research
  2. Schedule the interview with basics. For example: introduction(guest) conclusion(ending note)
  3. Maintain a notepad for key points but don’t turn the papers frequently. it will make noise
  4. Agree with the guest if required and ask for explanations when a certain point is unclear
  5. Be neutral
  6. Relax
  7. Don’t wear such accessories which can make noise. such as bangles  
  8. Introduce yourself properly
  9. Speak slowly and clearly
  10. Ask brief questions
  11. Give the interviewee sufficient time to respond(do try to relax your interviewee )
  12. Do not talk simultaneously(let your interviewee to complete his conversation)\
  13. Make sure you start each sentence clearly avoid any nervous habits like ‘ums’ and ‘ahs’.  

Wednesday 18 December 2013

radio feature & documentary


>Infotainment (sometimes only entertain)
> public opinions
> light and soft subject
> not always covey message
> much actualities and music (music according to situation/mood)
> do not required research
> narration/dramatization
> Neutral


why people take afternoon tea, visit of students to historical place,why all kids like fairy tales ,job experiences of different people, life of soldier’s family, arrival of winter costumes / beverages, beach resort, new restaurant, superstitions, rainfall, black magic, life of a watch man.

 ( be simple ,be creative, be consistent, must have empathy)

>in depth look in stories and issues (need research)  
> influence the listener /viewer to think or take some action
>interviews (experts)
> actualities and music is not very necessary
> narration/dramatization
> Neutral 


benefits of plantation, protect wildlife ,child labor
viral diseases ,save water, churches and temples in Pakistan
role of Radio in II world war / 1965 (Pak n India war)
belief systems around the world, mental illness and its cure, story of successful people.

( be simple ,be creative, be consistent, must have empathy)

*extremely involve the listeners to the subject by revealing information, develop suspense than resolve it with conclusion.


Tuesday 17 December 2013

sample of adjusting actualities without script (1 sequence)


chirps of cricket

phone ring
Sound of closing Curtain

click of clock
School bell

Alarm bell

Sound of zipping bag

sound of shoes
Sound of Closing door


nadia is doing preparation for her exams at night

nadia’s friend aliha called her .both of them talk a little and said good night and nadia closed the curtains of window

nadia saw examination room in her dream .she was worried because of lengthy paper and could not managed the time.

she was crying in front of teacher for more time.   

She woke up with the sound of alarm and said to herself what a horrible night mare it was.

getting ready for the school

leaving her room

Tuesday 4 June 2013


         i.            Open ended questions

It tends the interviewee to give explained reply. These questions starts with who , when, how, why. Questions are not in detail but gives a lot more space to answers.
1. How we will get rid of energy crises ?
2. Why ECP declared election 2013 a free and fair elections?

       ii.            Close ended questions

These questions are called yes and no questions. These are asked like ,
1.       Is it true that you have decided to join…….?
2.       Do you agree that cases against former president are reasonable?

These question are asked sometimes at the end of interview before the interview time slot ends.

      iii.            Multiple questions

These questions are combination of two or more situation. But we avoid these questions on radio because it may confuse the listeners to concentrate. most of the time interviewee answer the 2nd part of question because he forgot the 1st part or deliberately answer the easiest part.
     iv.            Summary questions

These questions are used to grab the listeners, keep them focused. It involves the answers of interviewee itself.   E.g
1.       Ok now we know the cause of energy crises, we have done agreement for  its eradication but how long it will take to get rid of it?
       v.            Confrontational questions

The most direct questions ae often the most challenging for interviewee and interviewer as well. So these questions must be asked very technically. In practice interviewer makes the interviewee to be accountable for his/her decisions or actions.
1.       Do you agree a military operation was not a right decision in a matter of lal masjid ?
2.       Do you admit lack of security in election 2013?

     vi.            Probing Questions

Sometimes interviewee revealed certain information or stated an opinion. Therefore it is necessary to ask for more details. It makes your interview interesting and different. It begins with phrases like “tell me more about it…?”
“Could you explain why is it so?”
“ what was in your mind when you decided to take this action?”  
“ did you feel for a once that you might not get the required results ?”

Experts says a sharp and talented interviewer is one who is a good observer and excellent listener